The Leadership Challenge®
For organizational and individual leaders who seek an easy-to-use, credible leadership methodology to face challenge and change.
Debbie Nicol
the workshop overview
Based on the bestselling book The Leadership Challenge by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, The Leadership Challenge® is a set of five leadership practices and thirty leadership behaviors which are set within an evidence-based framework that assists us all to perform to our peak potential. This interactive workshop for those in Australia, New Zealand and across Asia will allow you to transform:
learn more about this workshop
(Self-Help) QR Code Instructions
benefits for participation
a. at the workshop
b. in the workplace
who should attend?
group leader and trainer
Debbie Nicol will be your host, leader and Certified Master Facilitator for The Leadership Challenge® Workshop.
As the MD of 'business en motion', Debbie is a highly-experienced trainer and speaker and indeed a Certifying Master Mentor for The Leadership Challenge®. The company 'business en motion' is a Wiley Global Training Partner for The Leadership Challenge®.
Be ready for an exemplary experience with Debbie as your learning leader - she's living proof of walking the talk and facing leadership challenges with dignity and passion. To coin the words of a past participant: 'Debbie is a passionate, energetic leader who embodies the practices of The Leadership Challenge®. It would be difficult to walk away and not want to adopt the research findings and behaviors.' HP, Dubai
what you will receive
Enhance your leadership abilities and drive your team to
growth and success with our comprehensive leadership development program.
workshop dates for all courses
dates for virtual workshops
dates for 'in person' workshops
Facilitated by Certified Master, Debbie Nicol
We facilitate The Leadership Challenge® process in all international locations. Dubai dates here.
Please note any participant attending this workshop may also be interested in attending 'The Leadership Challenge® Facilitator Training' and/or 'LPI® Coach Training'.
Still not sure whether to attend? Click here and here to gain further insight into the benefits of
The Leadership Challenge®
the five practices of exemplary leadership
I had the chance to meet Debbie on two occasions while attending both The Leadership Challenge® workshop and the The Leadership Challenge® Facilitator training both presented by her. I consider myself quite lucky that I ended up with her and ˜business en motion" because of the high level of professionalism exhibited before, during and after the learning experiences. My journey through The Leadership Challenge® ran smoothly and with ease; Debbie's high sense of loyalty and passion towards the program are highly contagious which created in me and my colleagues a sense of responsibility and commitment for both content and process while preserving our identity throughout. The support system she creates around us is so helpful making us feel safe as we progress through initial implementation, trying to find our own path and voice with The Leadership Challenge®.
Ghada El-Kadi
Manager Learning and Development, NBK.
Listen to Debbie's latest podcast episode from 'Views from the Pinnacle'
The Leadership Challenge® is a global campaign to liberate the leader in everyone. Five practices, thirty leadership behaviors and two commitments. Research-based.
ORSC, Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching, works beyond the ˜who did what to whom, when" to ˜what's trying to happen" in this partnership or team.